/* * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc. */ #include #include #include #define NGX_WSABUFS 8 ngx_chain_t * ngx_wsasend_chain(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_chain_t *in, off_t limit) { int rc; u_char *prev; u_long size, sent, send, prev_send; ngx_uint_t complete; ngx_err_t err; ngx_event_t *wev; ngx_array_t vec; ngx_chain_t *cl; LPWSABUF wsabuf; WSABUF wsabufs[NGX_WSABUFS]; wev = c->write; if (!wev->ready) { return in; } /* the maximum limit size is the maximum u_long value - the page size */ if (limit == 0 || limit > NGX_MAX_UINT32_VALUE - ngx_pagesize) { limit = NGX_MAX_UINT32_VALUE - ngx_pagesize; } send = 0; complete = 0; /* * WSABUFs must be 4-byte aligned otherwise * WSASend() will return undocumented WSAEINVAL error. */ vec.elts = wsabufs; vec.size = sizeof(WSABUF); vec.nalloc = NGX_WSABUFS; vec.pool = c->pool; for ( ;; ) { prev = NULL; wsabuf = NULL; prev_send = send; vec.nelts = 0; /* create the WSABUF and coalesce the neighbouring bufs */ for (cl = in; cl && vec.nelts < ngx_max_wsabufs && send < limit; cl = cl->next) { if (ngx_buf_special(cl->buf)) { continue; } size = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; if (send + size > limit) { size = (u_long) (limit - send); } if (prev == cl->buf->pos) { wsabuf->len += cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; } else { wsabuf = ngx_array_push(&vec); if (wsabuf == NULL) { return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } wsabuf->buf = (char *) cl->buf->pos; wsabuf->len = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; } prev = cl->buf->last; send += size; } sent = 0; rc = WSASend(c->fd, vec.elts, vec.nelts, &sent, 0, NULL, NULL); if (rc == -1) { err = ngx_errno; if (err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, err, "WSASend() not ready"); } else { wev->error = 1; ngx_connection_error(c, err, "WSASend() failed"); return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } } ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0, "WSASend: fd:%d, s:%ul", c->fd, sent); if (send - prev_send == sent) { complete = 1; } c->sent += sent; for (cl = in; cl; cl = cl->next) { if (ngx_buf_special(cl->buf)) { continue; } if (sent == 0) { break; } size = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; if (sent >= size) { sent -= size; cl->buf->pos = cl->buf->last; continue; } cl->buf->pos += sent; break; } if (!complete) { wev->ready = 0; return cl; } if (send >= limit || cl == NULL) { return cl; } in = cl; } } ngx_chain_t * ngx_overlapped_wsasend_chain(ngx_connection_t *c, ngx_chain_t *in, off_t limit) { int rc; u_char *prev; u_long size, send, sent; ngx_err_t err; ngx_event_t *wev; ngx_array_t vec; ngx_chain_t *cl; LPWSAOVERLAPPED ovlp; LPWSABUF wsabuf; WSABUF wsabufs[NGX_WSABUFS]; wev = c->write; if (!wev->ready) { return in; } ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0, "wev->complete: %d", wev->complete); if (!wev->complete) { /* post the overlapped WSASend() */ /* the maximum limit size is the maximum u_long value - the page size */ if (limit == 0 || limit > NGX_MAX_UINT32_VALUE - ngx_pagesize) { limit = NGX_MAX_UINT32_VALUE - ngx_pagesize; } /* * WSABUFs must be 4-byte aligned otherwise * WSASend() will return undocumented WSAEINVAL error. */ vec.elts = wsabufs; vec.nelts = 0; vec.size = sizeof(WSABUF); vec.nalloc = NGX_WSABUFS; vec.pool = c->pool; send = 0; prev = NULL; wsabuf = NULL; /* create the WSABUF and coalesce the neighbouring bufs */ for (cl = in; cl && vec.nelts < ngx_max_wsabufs && send < limit; cl = cl->next) { if (ngx_buf_special(cl->buf)) { continue; } size = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; if (send + size > limit) { size = (u_long) (limit - send); } if (prev == cl->buf->pos) { wsabuf->len += cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; } else { wsabuf = ngx_array_push(&vec); if (wsabuf == NULL) { return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } wsabuf->buf = (char *) cl->buf->pos; wsabuf->len = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; } prev = cl->buf->last; send += size; } ovlp = (LPWSAOVERLAPPED) &c->write->ovlp; ngx_memzero(ovlp, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED)); rc = WSASend(c->fd, vec.elts, vec.nelts, &sent, 0, ovlp, NULL); wev->complete = 0; if (rc == -1) { err = ngx_errno; if (err == WSA_IO_PENDING) { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, err, "WSASend() posted"); wev->active = 1; return in; } else { wev->error = 1; ngx_connection_error(c, err, "WSASend() failed"); return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } } else if (ngx_event_flags & NGX_USE_IOCP_EVENT) { /* * if a socket was bound with I/O completion port then * GetQueuedCompletionStatus() would anyway return its status * despite that WSASend() was already complete */ wev->active = 1; return in; } ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0, "WSASend: fd:%d, s:%ul", c->fd, sent); } else { /* the overlapped WSASend() complete */ wev->complete = 0; wev->active = 0; if (ngx_event_flags & NGX_USE_IOCP_EVENT) { if (wev->ovlp.error) { ngx_connection_error(c, wev->ovlp.error, "WSASend() failed"); return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } sent = wev->available; } else { if (WSAGetOverlappedResult(c->fd, (LPWSAOVERLAPPED) &wev->ovlp, &sent, 0, NULL) == 0) { ngx_connection_error(c, ngx_socket_errno, "WSASend() or WSAGetOverlappedResult() failed"); return NGX_CHAIN_ERROR; } } } ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, c->log, 0, "WSASend ovlp: fd:%d, s:%ul", c->fd, sent); c->sent += sent; for (cl = in; cl && sent > 0; cl = cl->next) { if (ngx_buf_special(cl->buf)) { continue; } if (sent == 0) { break; } size = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos; if (sent >= size) { sent -= size; cl->buf->pos = cl->buf->last; continue; } cl->buf->pos += sent; break; } if (cl) { wev->ready = 0; } else { wev->ready = 1; } return cl; }